Ciao! Welcome to my personal website

I am a Ph.D. student in the ENIGMA group of Joe Hennawi and in the galaxy formation group of Joop Schaye.

My research focuses on high-redshift quasars and on the formation and evolution of supermassive black holes. I am also interested in cosmology and galaxy formation, and I have worked on many other different topics such as models for galactic outflows, gravitational waves, and protoplanetary disc morphology.
In this website, you can find more information about me and my research.

Curriculum Vitae

I graduated in 2021 from Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) and University of Pisa.
I will get my doctoral degree from Leiden University in 2025.
My complete CV can be found here.


12 publications, of which 7 as a first-author;
total of >350 citations (>150 first-author).
A complete list is here or on ADS.