I grew up in Mira, a small town in the North-East of Italy, half-way between Padova and Venezia. As a teenager, I was lucky to live many diverse and fulfilling experiences. Thanks to activities such as the Physics and Astronomy Olympiad and several research internships, I always cultivated my passion for scientific disciplines beyond the school environment. I have also been part of the Scout association and a children educator for many years. In this context, I learned the importance of being of service and help to others, and I developed a strong sense of community.

In 2016, I moved to Pisa to attend Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS), a prestigious institution in which a small number of students is admitted every year on the basis of a selective test. At SNS, I studied Physics in conjunction with the University of Pisa, where I obtained my Bachelor's and Master's degrees.

During my time at the University, I had the opportunity to live several experiences abroad, including a beautiful summer spent in Leiden (NL) as part of the LEAPS program. In 2021, I decided to go back to Leiden for my Ph.D., and discovered that the summers in the Netherlands are deceptively sunny and mild... I spent a few happy years here at Leiden Observatory and I am now more than halfway through my Ph.D., which I expect to complete in September 2025.

In my free time, I mostly enjoy doing sports: I like all of them and I regularly practice climbing, running, football, and swimming. I also love to travel and discover new places, but at least once every summer I need to spend a few days in the Dolomite mountains to recharge my batteries (see picture).